EAEVE Homepage
Full member of Affiliate of Enqa EAEVE is listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education eqar


Establishments' Status

Table of VEEs' ESEVT and EAEVE Membership status

Call for applications

ESEVT Expert applications welcome
Application Form and Acceptance Procedure
watch the promotional video

Student Expert on an ESEVT Visitation
watch the promotional video


E-logbook WG Report (approved by ExCom)
Guidelines for Assessment in Veterinary Education

EAEVE statement on the ECCVT proposal for the Revision of the EU Directive and Annex V
EAEVE fully supports the ECCVT proposal for the revision of the EU Directive and Annex V and encourages its members to provide their feedback on the EU Commission's public consultation page.
Official ECCVT communication
Comparative document

Veterinary Educational Researcher's Handbook 
The handbook was created in a wide international collaboration, with the aim to support research on teaching, learning and education in the veterinary field.
Available at https://edarxiv.org/dn6e2/

(Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness)
Call for colleagues involved in biosecurity on livestock farms
Please visit the BETTER site and the CA20103 site

ECCVT DT&AI WG Final Report 

ECCVT press-release about Digital Technologies and the use of Artificial Intelligence (DT&AI)

Invitation to EBVS Congress 2025


Erasmus+ VetRepos project

A shared item repository for progress testing in European veterinary schools

open abstract

Upcoming Meetings

ECOVE meeting
11 June 2025

ExCom meeting
4 February 2025
7 April 2025

CIQA meeting
10 June 2025

General Assembly & Educational Day
12-13 June 2025, Dublin
28-29 May 2026, Barcelona


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The Association: Foundation, Mission and Objectives:

The European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) was founded in 1988 and initially based in Maisons-Alfort, France. Later, the administrative office was based in Brussels, Belgium and since 2007, the seat of EAEVE and its offices have been in Vienna, Austria.

Mission Statement:

The EAEVE vision is that veterinary education, based on high quality standards, research and innovation, is the key component of the veterinary profession in the service of One Health and its recognition by society.

The EAEVE mission is to represent and support its member establishments within Europe and globally, to drive the harmonization of a research-based veterinary education and its constant evolution in the context of societal challenges. 

The EAEVE/FVE evaluation system gives assurance to
•    the public – to know they can trust the quality of graduating veterinary surgeons and the service they deliver
•    veterinary students – to know their education reaches agreed and acceptable standards
•    veterinary establishments – to know that their curricula and School reaches agreed benchmarked levels


The primary objective is to monitor the harmonization of the minimum standards set down in the study programme for veterinary surgeons in European Union Directive 2005/36.  download  
This is enacted through the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training, which is managed by the EAEVE but with joint responsibility together with the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE). A list of Evaluated and Approved Institutions is maintained.

Other objectives are to reinforce cooperation between member establishments and to act as a forum for discussion in order to improve and harmonize veterinary education. Additional tasks are the facilitation of information exchange, staff exchange, student exchange and teaching materials exchange between members.

Members are the faculties, schools and universities involved in teaching and research in veterinary medicine and science. In 2023, out of the 110 Veterinary Educational Establishments existing in Europe, 96 are members of the EAEVE.

Strategic Plan:

Strategic Plan 2020-2025
open document

Mid-term Analysis of the Strategic Plan 2020-2025
open document

Strategic Plan 2015-2020
open document

Mid-term Analysis of the Strategic Plan 2015-2020
open document


Code of Conduct of EAEVE:

open document


EAEVE logo policy:

open document


Presidents of the EAEVE up to the present day:

  • 1988 - 1992   Bernard Toma (Maisons Alfort, France)
  • 1992 - 1994   Simon Van den Bergh (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 1994 - 1998   Richard Halliwell (Royal College London, Great Britain)
  • 1998 - 2004   Tito Fernandes (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • 2004 - 2010   Marcel Wanner (Zurich, Switzerland)
  • 2010 - 2014   László Fodor (Budapest, Hungary)
  • 2014 - 2018   Ana Bravo (Lugo, Spain)
  • 2018 - 2024   Stéphane Martinot (Lyon, France)
  • 2024 -           Petra Winter (Vienna, Austria)