EAEVE Homepage
Full member of Affiliate of Enqa EAEVE is listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education eqar


Establishments' Status

Table of VEEs' ESEVT and EAEVE Membership status

Call for applications

ESEVT Expert applications welcome
Application Form and Acceptance Procedure
watch the promotional video

Student Expert on an ESEVT Visitation
watch the promotional video


E-logbook WG Report (approved by ExCom)
Guidelines for Assessment in Veterinary Education

EAEVE statement on the ECCVT proposal for the Revision of the EU Directive and Annex V
EAEVE fully supports the ECCVT proposal for the revision of the EU Directive and Annex V and encourages its members to provide their feedback on the EU Commission's public consultation page.
Official ECCVT communication
Comparative document

Veterinary Educational Researcher's Handbook 
The handbook was created in a wide international collaboration, with the aim to support research on teaching, learning and education in the veterinary field.
Available at https://edarxiv.org/dn6e2/

(Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness)
Call for colleagues involved in biosecurity on livestock farms
Please visit the BETTER site and the CA20103 site

ECCVT DT&AI WG Final Report 

ECCVT press-release about Digital Technologies and the use of Artificial Intelligence (DT&AI)

Invitation to EBVS Congress 2025


Erasmus+ VetRepos project

A shared item repository for progress testing in European veterinary schools

open abstract

Upcoming Meetings

ECOVE meeting
11 June 2025

ExCom meeting
4 February 2025
7 April 2025

CIQA meeting
10 June 2025

General Assembly & Educational Day
12-13 June 2025, Dublin
28-29 May 2026, Barcelona


User login

User login

Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website

External publications

EAEVE registration policy deadline agreed. 
Loeb J. 
Vet Record. 2024. 194(3):94. doi: 10.1002/vetr.3912 .  PMID: 38305540.

"Surveying veterinarians on ethical dilemmas and moral distress within veterinary practice."
Jhandai P., Deepak S. 
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research, 2024; SP-8(3): 174-177. 

“Microbiology can be...” Student Competition to Develop Resources about Infectious Diseases that Improve Health Literacy.
Marenzoni, ML., Ciappelloni, R.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 2024, doi: 10.3138/jvme-2023-0143. Epub ahead of print.

A global survey of companion animal veterinary practitioners on animal welfare teaching–Focus on undergraduate and continuing education, and clients’ sources of information.
Endenburg, N., Ryan, S., van Lith, H. A.
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science27(1), 57-104. 

Empowering Veterinary Herd Health Management: Insights into Education, Implementation, and Regulation Across Europe.
Marić, M.; Manghnani, V.; Niemi, J.K.; Niine, T.; De Briyne, N.; Jansen, W.
Vet. Sci. 2024, 11, 528. https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci11110528

Evaluation of Teaching Methods and Technical Opportunities for the Distance Education Process of Veterinary Faculty Students in Türkiye During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Aslim G., Ttekġndal MA, Yġğġt A., Mente Gürler A., Sanal G.
Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 2024, 17.1: 1-8.

Parameteranalyse und Untersuchung zum Qualitätsmanagement von elektronischen Prüfungen an der Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover.
Richter, R.
(Doctoral dissertation, Dissertation, Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, 2024).

Student-Centered Learning: Some Issues and Recommendations for Its Implementation in a Traditional Curriculum Setting in Health Sciences.
Martin-Alguacil, N., Avedillo, L., Mota-Blanco, R., Gallego-Agundez, M.
Education Sciences, 2024. 14(11), 1179. 

Suvremeni kompetencijski pristup obrazovanju na Veterinarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. [A modern competency approach to education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb.]
Vlahović K, Samardžija M, Pećin M, Capak H, Maćešić N, Gregurić Gračner G. 
Hrvatski veterinarski vjesnik [Internet]. 2024 32(2):50-57.

The beginning of veterinary surgery education in Türkiye and the historical development of this discipline in Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Yerlikaya, N., & Küçükaslan, Ö.
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2024. 71(2), 147-156. 

Chapter 23. Accreditation: What It Is and Why It Is Important
Stockdale, M., Raghavan, M., Anderson, SL.
In: Educational Principles and Practice in Veterinary Medicine. Ed. Katherine Fogelberg. Hoboken : Wiley Blackwel, 2024. ISBN:9781119852759. pp. 513–544. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119852865.ch23

Interactive classroom: from motoneuron activity to skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation.
Todini, L., Menchetti, L.
Advances in Physiology Education, 2023 (47) 3: 652-656.
Open (https://journals.physiology.org/doi/pdf/10.1152/advan.00047.2023)

RCVS extends 'mutual recognition' again

Loeb J. Vet Rec. 2023 Feb;192(3):100. doi: 10.1002/vetr.2687. PMID: 36734541.

Ensuring and promoting the standards and guidelines of the European Quality Assurance system for veterinary education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Vlahović K, Samardžija M, Pećin M, Capak H, Maćešić N, Gregurić Gračner G. Hrvatski veterinarski vjesnik [Internet]. 2023;31(3):62-68.

Training in Honey Bee Veterinary Medicine in Italy: An Observational Study and Practical Proposals to Face Professional Challenges

D’Ascenzi C, Power K, Maiolino P, Mortarino M. Animals. 2023; 13(11):1795

European Union Legislation for the Welfare of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes: Areas Identified for Further Discussion

Marinou KA, Dontas IA. Animals. 2023; 13(14):2367.

Evaluation of the development process of Selcuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine between 1992-2022 (30 years)

Danis EM, Celik E, Yasar A, Aslim G. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2023 (39) 1. 46–60.

Development of a shared item repository for progress testing in veterinary education

Schaper E, Haeften van T, Wandall J, Iivanainen A, Penell J, McLean Press C, Lekeux P, Holm P. Front Vet Sci. 2023 Nov 2; doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1296514

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH): Global Conference on Emergency Management

3-5 April 2023

Employability as a Guiding Outcome in Veterinary Education: Findings of the VetSet2Go Project

Cake M, Bell M, Cobb K, Feakes A, Hamood W, Hughes K, King E, Mansfield CF, McArthur M, Matthew S, Mossop L, Rhind S, Schull D, Zaki S. Front Vet Sci. 2021 Oct 8;8:687967. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.687967. PMID: 34692801; PMCID: PMC8531261.

The VetEd Conference: Evolution of an Educational Community of Practice

Baillie S, Rhind S, MacKay J, Murray L, Mossop L. J Vet Med Educ. 2022 Aug;49(4):414-422. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2020-0154. Epub 2021 Jun 7.

"The SOFTVETS Competence Model" - a preliminary project report

Kleinsorgen C, Steinberg E, Dömötör R, Piano JZ, Rugelj J, Mandoki M, Radin L. GMS J Med Educ. 2021 Mar 15;38(3):Doc50. doi: 10.3205/zma001446

Student Involvement in Global Veterinary Education and Curricula: 7 Years of Progress (2013-2019)

Liatis T, Patel B, Huang M, Buren L, Kotsadam G. J Vet Med Educ. 2020 Jul;47(4):379-383. doi: 10.3138/jvme.2018-0021. Epub 2020 Feb 13.

Report of the ECCVT expert working group on the impact of digital technologies & artificial intelligence in veterinary education and practice

Avignon D, Farnir F, Iatridou D, Iwersen M, Lekeux P, Moser V, Saunders J, Schwarz T, Sternberg-Lewerin S, Weller R. 2020.

VetCEE General Assembly Report

Utilization and acceptance of virtual patients in veterinary basic sciences - the vetVIP-project

Kleinsorgen C, Kankofer M, Gradzki Z, Mandoki M, Bartha T, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Naim HY, Beyerbach M, Tipold A, Ehlers JP. GMS J Med Educ. 2017 May 15;34(2):Doc19. doi: 10.3205/zma001096.

Development and Evaluation of vetPAL, a Student-Led, Peer-Assisted Learning Program

Bates LS, Warman S, Pither Z, Baillie S. J Vet Med Educ. 2016 Winter;43(4):382-389. doi: 10.3138/jvme.1015-163R1. Epub 2016 Jul 12.

Public consultation on a renewed Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education in the European Union

Education and Training requirements for veterinarians in Laboratory animal science and medicine (LASM)

Evaluation of competence-based teaching in higher education: From theory to practice

Evelyn Bergsmann, Marie-Therese Schultes, Petra Winter, Barbara Schober, Christiane Spiel

Veterinary Competency Frameworks

Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 10/2013; DOI:10.3138/jvme.0413-062R1

Biosecurity SOP applied to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Liége

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Liége; 
DOI: SOP-FMV-01-REV1-2019