EAEVE Homepage
Full member of Affiliate of Enqa EAEVE is listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education eqar


Establishments' Status

Table of VEEs' ESEVT and EAEVE Membership status

Call for applications

Back Office Assistant
LINK to advertisement

ESEVT Expert applications welcome
Application Form and Acceptance Procedure
watch the promotional video

Student Expert on an ESEVT Visitation
watch the promotional video


E-logbook WG Report (approved by ExCom)
Guidelines for Assessment in Veterinary Education

EAEVE statement on the ECCVT proposal for the Revision of the EU Directive and Annex V
EAEVE fully supports the ECCVT proposal for the revision of the EU Directive and Annex V and encourages its members to provide their feedback on the EU Commission's public consultation page.
Official ECCVT communication
Comparative document

Veterinary Educational Researcher's Handbook 
The handbook was created in a wide international collaboration, with the aim to support research on teaching, learning and education in the veterinary field.
Available at https://edarxiv.org/dn6e2/

(Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness)
Call for colleagues involved in biosecurity on livestock farms
Please visit the BETTER site and the CA20103 site

ECCVT DT&AI WG Final Report 

ECCVT press-release about Digital Technologies and the use of Artificial Intelligence (DT&AI)

Invitation to EBVS Congress 2025


Erasmus+ VetRepos project

A shared item repository for progress testing in European veterinary schools

open abstract

Upcoming Meetings

ECOVE meeting
11 June 2025

ExCom meeting
4 February 2025
7 April 2025

CIQA meeting
10 June 2025

General Assembly & Educational Day
12-13 June 2025, Dublin
28-29 May 2026, Barcelona


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Member Establishments



VEE of the Agricultural University of Tirana (Tirana)*


University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Vienna)


VEE of the Ghent University (Merelbeke)

VEE of the University of Liege  (Liege)


VEE of the University of Forestry (Sofia)*

VEE of the Trakia University (Stara Zagora)


VEE of the University of Sarajevo (Sarajevo)*


VEE of the University of São Paulo (São Paulo)**


VEE of the University of Zagreb (Zagreb)

Czech Republic:

VEEs of the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno (Brno)


VEE of the University of Copenhagen (Frederiksberg)


VEE of Cairo University (Giza)


VEE of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Tartu)


VEE of the University of Helsinki (Helsinki)


National Veterinary School of Alfort (Paris )

National Veterinary School of Toulouse (Toulouse)

Oniris (Nantes)

VEE of VetAgro Sup (Lyon)


VEE of the Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin)

VEE of the Justus-Liebig University of Giessen (Giessen)

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (Hannover)

VEE of the University of Leipzig (Leipzig)

VEE of the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (Munich)


VEE of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki)

VEE of the University of Thessaly (Karditsa)


University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (Budapest)


VEE of the IPB University of Bogor (Bogor)**


VEE of the University College Dublin (Dublin)


VEE of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Rehovot)*


VEE of the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Valenzano)

VEE of the University of Bologna (Ozzano Emilia)

VEE of the University of Camerino (Matelica)

VEE of the University of Messina (Messina)

VEE of the University of Milan (Lodi)

VEE of the University of Napoli Federico II (Napoli)

VEE of the University of Padua (Legnaro)

VEE of the University of Parma (Parma)

VEE of the University of Perugia (Perugia)

VEE of the University of Pisa (Pisa)

VEE of the University of Sassari (Sassari)

VEE of the University of Teramo (Teramo)

VEE of the University of Turin (Grugliasco)


VetJapan South, Yamaguchi University Kagoshima University (Yamaguchi and Kagoshima) **

VetNorth Japan, Hokkaido University School of Veterinary Medicine and Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Sapporo and Obihiro) **

Rakuno Gakuen University - Ebetsu ** 


VEE of the Jordan University of Science and Technology (Irbid)**


VEE of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Jelgava)


VEE of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Kaunas)


VEE of the University of Utrecht (Utrecht)

North Macedonia:

VEE of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Skopje)*


VEE of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Äs)


VEE of the University of Life Sciences of Lublin (Lublin)

VEE of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Olsztyn)

VEE of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Warsaw)

VEE of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Wroclaw)


VEE of the Vasco da Gama University School (Coimbra)*

VEE of the University of Evora (Evora)*

VEE of the University of Lisbon (Lisbon)

VEE of the Lusofona University (Lisbon)

VEE of the University of Porto (Porto)

VEE of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Vila Real)


VEE of the University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (Bucharest)

VEE of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Cluj-Napoca)

VEE of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi (Iasi)*

VEE of the University of Life Sciences “King Mihai I” from Timisoara (Timisoara)

Russian Federation:
Following the unanimous proposal of the ExCom, the 35th EAEVE General Assembly has decided that all relations with Russian VEEs shall be suspended for one year. 
The EAEVE General Assembly may re-evaluate the situation at the 36th General Assembly in 2023.


VEE of the University of Belgrade (Belgrade)*


University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy - Kosice


VEE of the University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana)


VEE of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Barcelona)

VEE of the University of Extremadura (Caceres)

VEE of the University of Cordoba (Cordoba)

VEE of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas)

VEE of the University of Leon (Leon)

VEE of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Lugo)

VEE of the Complutense University of Madrid (Madrid)

VEE of the Alfonso X El Sabio University (Villanueva de la Cañada)

VEE of the University of Murcia (Murcia)

VEE of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University (Valencia) 

VEE of the Valencia UCV *

VEE of the University of Zaragoza (Zaragoza)


VEE of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala)


VEEs of the University of Bern and the University of Zurich (Bern & Zurich)


VEE of the Chulalongkorn University - Bangkok**

VEE of the Manouba University (Sidi Thabet)**


VEE of the Kocatepe University (Afyon)*

VEE of the Ankara University (Ankara)

VEE of the Adnan Menderes University (Aydin)

VEE of the Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Burdur)

VEE of the Uludag University (Bursa)

VEE of the Firat University (Elazig)

VEE of the Ataturk University (Erzurum)

VEE of the Istanbul University Cerrahpasa (Istanbul)

VEE of the University of Kafkas (Kars) 

VEE of the Erciyes University (Kayseri) 

VEE of the Selcuk University (Konya) 


VEE of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University (Bila Tserkva)

United Kingdom:

VEE of the University of Bristol (Bristol)

VEE of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge)

VEE of the University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh)

VEE of the University of Glasgow (Glasgow)

VEE of the University of Liverpool (Neston)

Royal Veterinary College (London)

VEE of the University of Nottingham (Nottingham)

VEE of the University of Surrey (Surrey)


VEE: Veterinary Education Establishment

* Candidate Member

** Associate